Hong Kong passed a law banning single-use plastic products,Aluminum packaging will have more development prospects



On the 18th October 2023, the Legislative Council of Hong Kong made an impactful decision that will shape the city’s environmental landscape for years to come.

Lawmakers passed a law to ban single-use plastic items, marking a significant step towards a more sustainable and environmentally conscious future.

This monumental legislation will come into effect on the 22nd April 2024, which will be Earth Day, making it a truly memorable occasion.

Plastics are inseparable from our daily lives, but with the introduction of environmental protection policies and waste bans in recent years,
The use of disposable plastics in China will also be limited, and there is an urgent need for new products to replace…

It is believed that the implementation of this law will also push the “ban plastic” movement to a new height again, driving the demand for metal packaging to continue to grow.

Aluminum packaging materials with low melting point, high recycling rate, reduce carbon emissions and other characteristics, become: food, medicine, drinks, daily necessities and other packaging market growth one of the main.



Post time: Dec-10-2023